Free Web Hosting

Are you a new distro that needs a home, or maybe a small distro that just needs some help?

ISO Download Mirror

We know you have to get your distro out to the masses, look no further, we will host your ISO for free!

Torrent Server

How about a torrent for your ISO, we offer free torrent hosting for ISO to help share it that way as well.

Best Pricing Plan, No Wait It's Free!

Again, yes it is free! Please read below for some more details.

Shared Hosting

  • 2 GB SSD Disks
  • DirectAdmin Control Panel
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • 1 TB Bandwidth
  • Subdomains Unlimited
  • MySQL Database: Unlimited
  • Email Accounts: Unlimited
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Download Server

  • 15 GB SSD Disks
  • FREE SSL Certificate
  • 3 TB Bandwidth
  • Vanity Subdomain
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Torrent Server

  • 15 GB SSD Disks
  • Unlimited Torrents
  • 3 TB Bandwidth
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Services only available for Linux Distro's. All other sites and services will be turned down.

Money Back Guarantee

9-5 Support

Cloud Technology

Why Linux Mirrors?

Giving Back to the Community One Distro at a Time.

We here at Linux Mirrors have been using Linux for a long time, most of us here started with Fedora 1, we have been running our servers for 20 years now, and our shared hosting servers since CentOS 5.

Giving back to the community is a driving force behind Linux and we want to do our part as well.

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The Best Hosting In The Industry!

Ok, so not really but we do thinks were pretty darn good, our shared hosting servers are not some Atom's left over and we installed DirectAdmin on them. No they truly are high end servers, with nvme drives tons of ram and more.

Our mirrors are honestly older hardware but tweaked to do only one that and thats to serve downloads. They do nothing else no PHP, no MySQL, no Email, nothing but serve downloads.