Every Mirror Includes:

ISO Download Mirror

  • Gigabit Bandwidth
  • 15 GB Disk Space
  • 3 TB Bandwidth
  • distro.linuxmirrors.net and
  • subdomain.yourdistro.tld
  • Free SSL with Both.
  • Rsync Support
  • DDos Attack Protection
  • High Speed Network Servers
  • Cronjob Support
  • Easy Scalability (upgrade or downgrade)
  • 100% Network and Power Uptime SLAs
Every Mirror Includes

Included Features.

Fast Servers

Once again, not some Atom 510 powering your mirror, we have much higher spec'd mirrors running.

24/7/365 Monitoring

While we know that this is free, we understand its still part of your business, we monitor everything all the time.

Ultra Fast Network

All servers have full 1Gbit network connections, allowing the fastest downloads as possible.